Uno de los retos más grandes a la hora de crear una página web profesional es entender a los visitantes. De este factor depende en gran medida el éxito de un website.
Now then: How can you measure “success” on a website? If a website attracts potential customers, it means that it is fulfilling its purpose, in a certain way.
But if out of every 1,000 potential customers who enter your website, 999 leave without clicking on your call to action, then we have a problem. We'll discuss this in more detail later.
Many people ask themselves “how to make a successful website” only after they Your website is not having the results they expected (o los que les prometieron). Su sitio web está al aire y no está funcionando para atraer clientes.
It doesn't matter if these people hired someone to design their website or if they did it themselves. Nowadays there are many sites that allow you to create a website "for free." And I put free in quotes, because in the long run, if you don't know what you're doing, it can end up costing you a lot.
Isn't it enough to be on the Internet to get clients?
Unfortunately, nowadays it is not enough to have a presence on the Internet to attract clients.
People's attention spans are pretty short, and if we can't get them in 5 seconds, they'll be leaving our site faster than a rooster crows.
Parece duro, pero incluso nosotros actuamos así cuando. Cuando hacemos una búsqueda, entramos solo a los primeros resultados de Google. Escaneamos rápidamente el contenido y si no encontramos lo que estamos buscando, cerramos la página sin remordimientos.
So how do you create a successful website?
The short way to answer this question is: To have a successful website we have to do good planning thinking about the end user. Spot.
Pero decir esto es más fácil que hacerlo. Miremos cómo realizar una buena planificación para tu sitio web con 5 sencillas preguntas:
1. How are you going to drive traffic to your website?
You need to identify in advance which marketing techniques you are going to use to attract people to your website.
¿You are going to do SEO?, will you pay for each person who enters your website through Google Ads campaigns?, will you do paid advertising for Social Media?, or maybe content marketing?
This is important because It will help you calculate what the acquisition costs will be. (how much money you end up spending for each customer you acquire on your website).
Pay per click on Google Ads and pay per view on social media are effective in the short term, but they are expensive.
On the other hand, SEO and content marketing actions do not work as well in the short term, but they are the best option in the long term, since you will position yourself organically in the search engines and each click will be "free" (you will have earned it with the sweat of your brow, let's say).
What gives the best results in this case is that you do a marketing mix. En ella incluirás campañas de pago por clic y acciones de posicionamiento orgánico. De esta forma cubrirás el corto y el largo plazo en tu estrategia.
2. Who will visit your website?
When a person enters your website, they should instantly know what to do next. Sign up for your email list? Click a link to learn more? Buy a product?
Necesitas saber qué tipo de personas van a entrar a tu sitio web de antemano. De esta manera estarás preparado para guiarlos donde los necesitas: sea en una página de información, una página de aterrizaje o una página de producto.
It's important to understand that you're not a gold coin that everyone can like, so don't try to be one. Focus on each type of visitor at a time.
A good way to do this is to put yourself in the shoes of each type of visitor and find a common denominator in the way they would like to navigate the website. Remember that less is more.
3. What questions will my visitors have?
“Do you have the product I need?”, “How long have you been in the market?”, “Is your product within my budget?”, “What guarantees do you offer?”, “How can I contact you?”
Your visitors come to your website with specific questions. Try to answer these questions before they do.
For example, if your visitors are coming to your website to purchase a product your company is known for, have that product visible and easily accessible.
4. What do you want your visitors to do?
This point defines the "success" of your website. Do you want to create a website so that your clients know where to call you? Do you want your visitors to leave you their information? Do you want your visitors to buy something from your website?
Todas esas son opciones válidas. Incluso puedes hacer que tu página web les permita hacer a cada tipo de visitante lo que tú esperas que haga.
It is very important that you only look for one action per web page. This means that the contact page will only search for your visitors' data and the product page will only have product information and a call to action.
Don't confuse your visitors. They will thank you and so will your metrics!
5. How will your visitors get in touch with you?
Unfortunately, not everyone who visits your website will become a customer.
In fact, The average conversion on the internet is around 1%. This means that 1 in every 100 visitors will contact you, register or buy something from you.
Piensa en una manera de enganchar a tus visitantes para convertirlos en tu público. Ofréceles contenido interesante, enséñales algo que responda sus preguntas, no intentes venderles todo el tiempo.
Bring these visitors back to your website for a reason other than direct purchase.
Si los enamoras de tu contenido, verás cómo ellos te devolverán tus esfuerzos, compartiendo tu página y llevando tu marca a sus redes sociales.
Crear una página web que tenga éxito depende de qué tan bien conozcas a tus visitantes. Por eso la planificación es el paso más importante a la hora de hacer que tu página web consiga clientes.
No vas a poder venderle a todos tus visitantes. Pero si realizas una buena planificación y aplicas digital marketing strategies You will have the opportunity to make them fall in love with your brand.
Understanding what questions your visitors have will give you insight into what you should offer them. It boils down to supply and demand: your visitor wants something, give it to him.
Don't make your visitors think: be clear and concise about what you want them to do. Make their life easy and they will thank you for it.
Planning is going to separate you from the hundreds of websites that are unable to retain their visitors. Now: Start planning your website the right way!
Need help with these steps? We We help you design a website that attracts customers.
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