Create a social media posting calendar

Picture of Escrito por Gulupa Digital

Written by Gulupa Digital

Digital Marketing Agency in Colombia

Some time ago we told you about how to create a strategy for social networks, if you missed it or want to refresh your memory, you can visit the article by clicking Click here.

This time we want to talk to you about how to create a social media posting calendar, so that you don't have any problems creating social media pieces and can meet the objectives of your social media strategy.

What is a social media posting calendar?

The social media publishing calendar is a document that helps us organize what is going to be published, when it is going to be published, and where it is going to be published. This way, we can have a certain order and control over our social networks, and be better prepared for unforeseen events.

Cuando se es community manager, o se realiza el manejo de las redes sociales de una determinada marca, el publicar por publicar nunca será efectivo, hay que recordar que las redes sociales son una herramienta que nos apoya en la obtención de los objetivos de marketing digital que desarrolla la marca, y como tal, lo que publique tiene que estar en sintonía con dichos objetivos.

As an added bonus, having a social media posting calendar reduces the risk of going blank and waiting for some being of light to enlighten us with the perfect idea to post on social media.

How to create a social media posting calendar?

Now comes the part where we will teach you step by step how to create a publication calendar so that you can optimize your work as a community manager.

1 Auditoría de las redes sociales

In marketing, it is very important to review and analyze the current status of a campaign. For social media, it is very important to analyze both what you have done and what your competition has done.

  • Analyzing the posts and strategies you made last month helps you detect: what types of posts got a lot of views, which ones got reactions, which hashtag attracted the most traffic, etc.
  • Analyzing your competition allows you to see what they are doing, how their campaigns are working, and what trends they are using.

Having this information will give you a clearer idea of what you can publish in the following month.

2 Ten presenta las fechas especiales

During the year there are certain special dates that we can use to our advantage to create quality content for our social networks.

There are global dates, others that are more regional and others that are related to the sector in which the brand operates. It is our job to keep an eye on these dates and see which ones can work for us and benefit our social networks.

Some important dates you can keep in mind are:

  • Christmas.
  • New Year.
  • Three Wise Men.
  • Days like Women's Day, Mother's Day, Children's Day, among others.
  • Halloween.
  • Special offers.
  • Black Friday.
  • Brand birthday.
  • Etc.

3 Ten en cuenta tu público objetivo

If you know your target audience, you will know how to configure the message of your publications: speaking to young people is not the same as speaking to older adults, speaking to a businessman is not the same as speaking to a designer, and so on.

If you want to know your target audience, your social networks can offer you metrics to know which gender follows you the most and the age ranges. You can also use other tools or do field research to determine the behavior of your target audience.

4 Plantea los objetivos de tus publicaciones

We previously mentioned that social media is a tool to help fulfill our digital marketing strategies, well, each post you create must have a specific objective to fulfill, among the most common are:

  • Get sales
  • Attract traffic to the website
  • Generate leads
  • Engage and build community

5 Selecciona el tipo de formato

This is about the form that will be given to the message, this can be: texts, images, videos, gifs, infographics, surveys, live broadcasts.

Take advantage of all these formats and use them alternately to see which ones work best. Also keep in mind how these formats adapt to different social networks.

6 Selecciona el tipo de contenido

You already have the shape, now you need the filling, and you can fill it with many things. Discover 40 types of content que puedes publicar en tus redes sociales, cortesía de Rubén Máñez.

7 Copys y hastag a usar

We already have the format, we already have the content, now we have to organize it with attractive texts that captivate our target audience and some hashtags to give visibility to the publication.

The copy's or captions are the texts that accompany the images in the publications, and where we can explain in more detail the objective of the publication.

Remember to keep your target audience in mind when creating texts with tones similar to those they would use so that they can better understand your message.

Hashtags work like keywords and give visibility to posts. When you enter a hashtag, it will show you all the posts that have used them and they are a good way to get followers.

To find out which ones are the most suitable, you can go into them and see the number of followers or posts they contain and find out if they work for you or not.

8 Elige la hora a publicar

One of the most frequently asked questions for those of us who manage social media is knowing when to post.

You can check your social media metrics to find out what times your users are most active and schedule your posts. It's a matter of trial and error, so post at various times to find out which time slot is best.

En cuanto a la cantidad de veces para publicar en una red social, depende de cada una, en Twitter puedes publicar entre 10 y 15 veces, en Facebook e Instagram pueden ser entre 2 y 4 veces al día.

When you organize all this information, it will be much easier for you to create posts for social media, and they will be quality posts, since every detail has been thought out to obtain the best results.

Si te parece un proceso complejo y deseas contratar un community manager para tus redes sociales, en Gulupa Digital lo puedes encontrar, visita nuestro sitio web para saber más sobre nuestro servicio de social media management or you can Contact us if you have any questions.

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