Benefits of having a website

Picture of Escrito por Gulupa Digital

Written by Gulupa Digital

Digital Marketing Agency in Colombia

We never tire of repeating it, andThe internet has changed our way of lifeWhen in doubt, we always (or at least most of the time) turn to the Internet, whether to search for information, entertain ourselves, communicate, among other things.

We even jokingly say “If it is not found on Google, it is because it does not exist", but, Although it sounds funny, there is some truth to it. People search the Internet for what they are interested in or need, and if as a company, you have a product or service that can help them, but they can't find you on the Internet, you will have lost that customer.

Having a website is the digital equivalent of being in the yellow pages, you will be present in a medium where they can find you more easily; if you are one of those who still has not decided whether to have a website for your business, we want to show you some benefits of having one.

Offers great visibility

We've said it before, having your own website It gives you a lot of visibility, you will be present in a medium where you can be found from anywhere in the world at any time of the day.

Not only that, You can add all your contact information, such as address, phone numbers, opening hours, etc. You can even register to appear on Google Maps and thus add visual aids so that they can find you.

Your business 24/7

When you have a physical location, you are subject to a work schedule, before and after these hours there is nothing, but with your own website, Your business is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Thanks to this, your clients and potential clients can find you whenever they want to look for you, and if you are one of those who sells products on the Internet, you will always get sales.

Having a website is an investment that is economical

Unlike a physical location, where you have to pay utility bills, rent, cleaning, maintenance, adaptation and customization of the space, etc. etc. etc. a A website requires the investment of a design and programming, the purchase of the domain and the payment of hosting or accommodation. (which is usually a once-a-year payment).

We know that there are services that allow you create web pages “for free” but they are not sufficiently optimized and personalized, making you lose reputation, credibility, and worst of all, sales.

If you are thinking of creating a website and you don't know how to do it, try hiring a professional web design agency, this will guarantee you a quality product that lasts over time.

Getting back to the topic, if we add the costs of a website, versus a physical location, in the long term it is It is much cheaper to have a website than a local businessIn addition, keeping your website updated is much easier and cheaper than doing it on your premises.

Having a website reduces advertising costs

When you have a website, you can use other tools such as: social networks or the SEO, that will allow you to attract traffic to your websitePlus, if you need to make changes, you can do so with just a few clicks and without losing money like you would if you made a flyer, for example.

Having a website makes you look professional

Your website is like your cover letter, where, in addition to offering your products or services, you also reflect your personality and values. Good design and quality content will incredibly boost your sales since your clients will feel safe buying or contracting with you.

Speaking of looking professional, having your own domain allows you to create corporate emails, those that have your domain name, thus differentiating yourself from other companies and even from scammers who want to use your name.

Possibility of expanding your market

Thanks to the global presence that we have on the Internet, having your own website, will help you break your barriers and offer your products or services to other cities, departments, countries, continents, planets, universes… well, you get the idea, right?

More efficient customer service

Having a website allows you to have a place for your customers to contact you 24 hours a dayYou can also have “chatbots” that will help you answer your customers’ questions and even create a frequently asked questions section.

All of these tools will help your customers resolve their doubts about your products and services and will help you to be much more efficient.

Provides data and metrics that will help you improve

Websites allow you to obtain data such as number of visits, media through which they searched for you, length of stay, interaction with your content, etc. This data allows you to: make necessary adjustments to improve the user experience.

You can also get reviews from customers about the good things to maintain and the bad things to improve. All of this with the aim of improving the user experience and increasing your sales.

As you can see, there are many benefits that a website can bring to your business, it doesn't matter if you have a small, medium or large company, everyone can benefit, even independent workers. If you want to have a presence on the Internet, At Gulupa Digital we can help you, Let's start creating your own website today.

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