Conversion rate

Conversion rate: Key factor for online success

Picture of Escrito por Gulupa Digital

Written by Gulupa Digital

Digital Marketing Agency in Colombia

If you are wondering what exactly is the conversion rate, how it is measured, why it is vital for your business, and how to improve it, you have come to the right place. In this article, we will break down every aspect related to this crucial metric so that you can make the most of your digital presence.

The conversion rate is a crucial metric in digital marketing which quantifies the percentage of visitors to a website that performs a specific action desired by the site owner. This action can vary depending on the goals of the page and the marketing strategy, such as making a purchase, completing a form, subscribing to a newsletter, downloading a resource, among others.

Importance of conversion rate

A good one conversion rate It is essential because it provides information on the effectiveness of a Web page to convert the traffic in valuable actions.

In addition, the conversion rate serves as a direct indicator of your website’s effectiveness in converting visitors into customers. It’s the compass that tells you whether you’re meeting your online goals or if there are areas you need to optimize.

When is conversion rate good or bad?


It is considered good when it is above the average for your industry. However, there is no universal magic number, as what is acceptable for one sector might be insufficient for another. The key is to know your benchmark and overcome it.


On the other hand, a low rate can be due to a variety of factors, such as poor user experience, unclear calls to action, or a complicated purchasing process. If you're seeing a conversion rate below your expectations, it is time to analyze and improve.

In short, the increase in conversion rate is generally associated with improved effectiveness in site design, content persuasiveness, and user experience. While, a low rate could indicate problems that need attention, such as difficulties with navigation, calls to action or lack of confidence in the user.

This is how you can calculate your website's conversion rate!

You must follow the following steps:

  • Define the conversion action:

Before calculating the conversion rate, it is crucial to determine what action you want visitors to take on your website. It can be a purchase, subscription, download, filling out a form, etc.

  • Record the number of conversions:

Keep track of the total number of times visitors have completed the conversion action during a specific period.

This number can vary depending on your goals and how you are tracking them, whether through web analytics tools, e-commerce platforms, contact forms, etc.

  • Record the number of visitors:

Collect data on the total number of visitors your site has had. website during the same time period you're using to measure conversions. This information is also available through web analytics tools such as Google Analytics.

  • Use the following formula to find the conversion rate:

Divide the number of conversions / and the number of visitors = * 100.

For example, if you have 100 conversions and 1000 visitors, the conversion rate would be 10%

100/1000 = 0.1 * 100 = 10

  • Interpreting the Results:

A conversion rate A higher rate generally indicates that you are effectively meeting your goals, while a lower rate may suggest areas for improvement.

  • Analyze and Optimize:

Use the data obtained to analyze what aspects of your website could be affecting the conversion rateAre the calls to action clear enough? Is the landing page compelling? Is the user experience seamless? Make adjustments as needed.

Remember that the conversion rate may vary by industry and type of website, so it is useful to compare your numbers with benchmarks from the industry to get a more accurate assessment of your performance.

Additionally, constant monitoring and adaptation to changes in user behavior are essential to maintain and improve the rate over time.

How to improve conversion rate?

It involves making strategic adjustments to the design, content and functionality of the website to motivate visitors to take desired actions.

It is a fundamental part of conversion optimization, a discipline within the digital marketing dedicated to maximizing the performance of a website in terms of conversions and business objectives.

Learn about the actions:

Optimizing the user experience:

  • Make sure your site is easy to navigate.
  • Minimize loading time to avoid losing user attention.

Persuasive Calls to Action (CTA):

  • Use clear and attractive CTAs.
  • Position them strategically on your site.

Relevant and Persuasive Content:

  • Offer content that solves problems or meets needs.
  • Display your clients' testimonials and success stories on your website to generate trust.

A/B Testing:

  • Experiment with different elements on your site.
  • Analyze which changes positively impact the conversion rate.

Ready to optimize your conversion rate?

Now that you understand the importance of having a good conversion rate, we invite you to visit our website, learn about all our services and how we can create and customize strategies, with the aim of improving the performance and conversion of your website.

¡Write to us and convert visitors into customers today!

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