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How to create a successful website for your company?

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Written by Gulupa Digital

Digital Marketing Agency in Colombia

Create a successful website that generates clients It is not a task that is exclusive to a graphic designer. It is a project that must be articulated between the areas of programming, design and marketing. Why focus on these areas when creating a website for your business?

The programmer is the person in charge of ensuring that the website functions correctly, is usable and stable. The marketing department is responsible for communication, promotion of services and/or products within the website, and how to relate the business to the audience. Finally, the designer is responsible for the appearance of the website, graphically communicating what the programming and marketing departments want to convey to the public.

To create a Web page exitosa, se recomienda pensar en su diseño, usabilidad y estrategia de marketing.  Una página web debe estar diseñada para llamar la atención del usuario, tener tráfico desde los buscadores y potencializar el contenido de la web.

Tips for creating a successful website for your company

Create a web page that conveys

Fonts and colors also play an important role in the web page design. Selecting the right fonts is of great importance, even more so with the rise of responsive design and content marketing.

In addition to this, it is important to make good use of colors within the website, which are determined by the company's style manual, a representative image of the brand or previous research by the design team. On a website, colors and their shades work as allies to transmit subtle messages to site visitors.

The idea is to have coherence between the graphics, colors and objectives of the website.

An engaging website

Create quality content that users will love, such as attractive titles that draw the reader in, texts that are not too long, but not too short either.

To create engaging content, you have to simplify. This is a necessary task in the web design process. Eliminate elements that are not necessary on the page, prioritize the messages you want to communicate, and focus on what is important.

Less is more.

You have to be careful not to load the page with too much information or graphic pieces that do not contribute to achieving the objectives.

Focus on the way products or services are displayed, giving prominence to the main message.

Video as valuable content

In web design we cannot forget about videos as a strategy in content creation. Videos are a trend, now most users consume videos on the Internet. Although they should not be overused, it is clear that these elements are very useful to accompany the content of the website.

Avoid using videos that are not your own, even if they deal with a similar topic to yours. The ideal is to create unique videos, this makes both users and search engines interested in the website. Key to achieving good results SEO positioning!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Allocate a session in the Web page for frequently asked questions help SEO positioning, in addition to answering the most common questions from Internet users.

FAQs are used by search engines to position and find answers to users' questions.

Easy and comfortable navigation

When talking about the website navigation, it is important to give the user all the tools to navigate the web with total comfort. Here we tell you some facts that favor good web browsing: 

  • Use icons: It helps navigation through icons, customized according to the brand's style and business objectives. This makes the site more dynamic and visually more striking.
  • Accessibility: When developing a website, we cannot forget about accessibility. A website is not created for just one user, but for multiple users, so it is good to make a website that is accessible to everyone, thinking about the font size, the layout of the content on different screens, this makes the website comfortable and easy to use for all types of audiences.

A website should benefit the business and address the needs of its audience.

Business context

Being aware of all the details of the business and its environment will give you the necessary tools to produce the best ideas. Create spaces where the designer, programmer and marketing team can gather ideas and points of view. This will make the creation process enriching and achieve excellent results.

We need to stop obsessing over having the best design in the world and instead focus on the context to create actions that generate conversions for the brand.

Finally, when talking about create a web page, the goal is for this digital platform to meet the objectives of the business on the Internet. There is no perfect formula or correct path to create a successful web designYou must analyze, learn, explore, and test, without fear and with caution, until you find the web strategy that best suits your brand and business idea.

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