Clearly, every business needs positioning. After all, you need to know what makes you different from the competition.
With this information alone, a corporate website can be extremely successful and meet the expectations of potential customers. You must keep in mind that the communication strategy, design and technical implementation are aimed at a single objective: attracting customers.
So, in this writing, we will explain why you need a strategy with specific objectives, trained and creative staff, and well-aligned audiovisual content, before the website is technically implemented. You will also learn why a strategy is the true positioning.
But why is positioning what determines your success?
Authentic SEO is business-oriented and adds value to customers, often beyond the website relaunch:
Do you want to position your company? Well, after doing a competitive analysis, it will give you the most important results to carry out your strategy, since it will tell you where your company is and what your competitors are doing to achieve the success they so desire.
Knowing what your competitors are doing will help you develop a communication strategy. Therefore, ask yourself this question, What values define your company?
Keep in mind that these values must be tangible so that you can see them on your website, that is when you give them a clear benefit and provide them with added value.
Example of how corporate values become tangible:
You are part of a service-oriented company, but your website is not as successful as you would like and a competitive analysis reveals that your website is similar to that of your competitors.
The solution to this case can be implemented with a new communication strategy through a web relaunch, transforming and transmitting the value that, in this case, would be the «good service» so that Internet users are fully aware of the company's differential value.
It is important to highlight that the added value must be visible in all places on your website, so you must provide that differential value oriented to the user, thus turning it into something tangible.
Esto efectivamente es posible, debido a que la persona interesada (público objetivo), puede percibir mediante el contenido de tu sitio web, tu valor agregado, además puedes ofrecerle opciones de contacto muy sencillas. Adicional a esto, bríndale contenido que responda preguntas relevantes de gran utilidad para él. Así es como demuestras que tu negocio se centra en el servicio, y no solo alardeas de él. Además, demuestras que eres competente y sabes lo que quieren tus clientes.
As part of a web relaunch, you have the opportunity to Reposition your company in the marketThis is even more important if your previous website didn't convey your values.
Here are some tips for strategic design that you should consider when you want to relaunch your website.
The basic rule for web relaunch: conception before implementation.
In order to avoid starting a website relaunch out of the blue, you must first make a concrete implementation plan. Design a strategic relaunch and not only start implementing it, but also make use of your website's positioning so that you achieve your goal strongly from the start.
Ask yourself these questions:
1. Do you need objectives for a website relaunch?
The answer is; with a website relaunch, you pursue the objectives that are defined in the strategy. They are usually derived from positioning. So ask yourself the following:
What would you like to achieve with the relaunch?
If in your case you want to target a younger audience, you have to communicate in a different way. The communication tone you should use with them is not the same as the one you should use for older user groups.
Or maybe you'd like to focus on your company's service orientation. So think about how you can achieve these goals. Among other things, questions about target audiences, content and graphic design are relevant in conception, as well as being vital to knowing how you want to be perceived, and we can't leave aside search engine optimization (SEO) which is vital to making yourself known.
2. With the help of people, you will reach your target groups after the relaunch
Positioning is about focusing on target audiences, or final recipients, that is, who you want to reach after the website relaunch. And clearly it cannot be all people, you must choose them; by age, gender, socio-economic status, hobbies, educational level, among many other factors. In fact, the question of "who" is inevitably linked to "how":
¿Who belongs to my target group? Who should be contacted?
How can I reach my target audience?
To achieve assertive communication, look at the customer's side. Imagine their real needs and take care of solving them through your product or service, letting them know that you care.
If a visitor is satisfied with what you offer on your website, that individual's experience obviously increases, thus subsequently becoming not only a customer, but also an advocate for your brand, service or product.
3. Develop content and graphic concept before relaunch
This point is very important, because it focuses on how to reach the previously defined target audience. So the content and design strategy depend on it. On the one hand, the concept is aimed at these people, but also at how you would like to be perceived.
Bottom line: Are you a competent service specialist, or are you the one with the cheapest prices?
Therefore, if you change your position, you will have to align your content and design the strategy in favor of your differential value.
The new positioning will be visible after the website relaunch
The new positioning can be seen in two ways after a website relaunch:
- Externally: market positioning.
A conceptually and technically redesigned website improves your brand's digital visibility, strengthens your position on Google and focuses on new aspects.
Companies do not necessarily have to change their values to reposition. If the values remain the same, they will be much better positioned after the website relaunch.
- From the internal point of view: influence from outside to inside.
Repositioning a company with a website relaunch often has internal appeal. Employees can therefore be positively influenced by the new positioning.
In conclusion, if your corporate website is not successful, consider positioning your business.
Clear positioning is the basis for a successful website relaunch. It is important to proceed strategically on the path to your new website; define objectives, build a good image and reputation of your target audience and develop relevant content and graphic concept on this basis, before dedicating yourself to the implementation of your website.