Contraseñas seguras

Strong passwords: some tips to achieve it!

Picture of Escrito por Gulupa Digital

Written by Gulupa Digital

Digital Marketing Agency in Colombia

Creating secure passwords is the first step to prevent our information from being at risk and being breached, so in this blog we will give you some recommendations for creating them.

Over the years, the different tips for having strong passwords, protecting information and not falling victim to hackers, have not been long in coming.

However, the technology like the artificial intelligence (AI), have been evolving and with them, different tools designed to break the security of people's information.

The advances of the artificial intelligence have indicated that deciphering passwords can be a very simple job. According to studies carried out by the company Home Security Heroes, the AI could immediately know your password if it is “weak”.

To verify the veracity of this statement, Home Security Heroes, use the PassGAN Password Cracker: a cracker with 15,680,000 passwords, with the aim of knowing how long it could take AI in knowing your password.

Do you want to know if you use secure passwords?

According to the PassGAN tool, to know the time that AI It will take a computer to crack your passwords, depending on the combinations of numbers, symbols, lowercase letters, uppercase letters and the number of characters you use when creating them.

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You could say that the strong passwords must exceed 18 characters, since PassGAN It would take a minimum of 10 months to crack a password that only contains numbers, but if it has combinations of numbers, symbols, lowercase letters and uppercase letters, it would be around 6 quintillion years.

Your personal and/or business information may be at risk if the passwords you use are not secure enough. You can create strong passwords!

What should you keep in mind when creating secure passwords?

  1. Do not use basic passwords, example: (123456).
  2. Have at least 18 characters.
  3. Make combinations between symbols, capital letters, lowercase letters and numbers.
  4. Create different passwords for your accounts.
  5. Link your email for password recovery.
  6. Add a recovery phone.
  7. Do not include personal information or common words.
  8. Avoid sharing your passwords.
  9. You should never change your password through a link that asks you to do so.
  10. Make sure your passwords are not similar to each other.
  11. Never use consecutive.
  12. Preferably do not create previously used passwords.

By following these recommendations, you will be able to have strong passwords and protect the information in your emails, bank accounts, websites and so on…

In our digital marketing agency, we are in charge of generating strong passwords for all our clients.

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