Why you should integrate Google Analytics into your website

Picture of Escrito por Gulupa Digital

Written by Gulupa Digital

Digital Marketing Agency in Colombia

Websites, virtual stores, blogs; everything on the Internet works thanks to visits, and when you are on the Internet You want to be seen and for people to find what they are looking for on your website.

It's hard work to get those visitors: you have to keep your website optimized, offer good content, have a user-friendly design, etc. But all our efforts are in vain if we don't know the people who visit us and how they interact with our website.

There are tools that can be used to monitor this data, but the vast majority of them require a fee to use. Luckily, Google offers a completely free measurement tool, Google Analytics.

This tool allows you to obtain a wide variety of data, such as the number of visits, where the visits come from, how your visitors interact with your website, among other things.

You might be wondering, “What good is it to me to know all this data?” Simple, If you know how your visitors interact with your website, you will know the strong aspects (to reinforce them) and the weak aspects (to improve them) of your website. and thus improve the user experience, which will translate into a greater opportunity to meet the objective of your website.

If you are doing SEO positioning strategies, Google Analytics can be a great ally to measure them, you can see how your keywords are performing, or what keywords your visitors are using to find you.

Not only keywords matter for SEO, but also the content of the web pages. Thanks to the “Exit Pages” option, you will be able to know the activity of your visitors after leaving your website, that is, if they found what they were looking for or are still searching, which will allow you to improve the content of your website and thus increase your conversion rate.

Another great advantage is that You can integrate this tool with your Google Ads campaigns (if you are also running them) which will offer you a large amount of data on your campaigns, how they are developing and ROI reports. One advantage of integrating these two tools is that you will be able to differentiate organic traffic from traffic generated by ads.

It may sound very complicated to handle this tool, but Google offers all the information regarding how to use its Analytics service, which will allow you to customize it to obtain the data that best serves to measure the fulfillment of your digital objectives.

It takes time to analyze this data, but it is the key to getting more visitors to your website and achieving higher sales. As you can see, using Google Analytics is a requirement if you want to improve in the world of the Internet. Don't wait any longer and start studying your website's analytics to improve it.

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