The Internet is basically part of our lives, we spend part of our time connected and consuming content, whether for entertainment, to learn, to meet other people or to stay in touch with people we are interested in.
Thanks to the connectivity offered by the Internet, various types of web pages have been created that solve a certain need or offer the viewing of a certain type of content.
In this blog we want to show you, in broad terms, the different types of web pages that exist, what they are used for and some examples of existing pages that are part of this classification.
According to its structure
Static web pages
These types of web pages are characterized by displaying structured content, generally in HTML language, and do not offer the possibility for the user to interact with the website, except to read the texts and view the images that are present there.
These types of websites were very popular in the early days of the Internet. They are also cheaper to create, as they do not require loading extra resources or using more complex programming languages.
Dynamic web pages
These types of web pages are developed with more complex programming languages, which allows you to generate ways for users to interact with your website and its content.
Advanced programming knowledge is required to be able to create this type of web page. Fortunately, there are many content management systems (CMS) such as WordPress, which make programming easier.
Another advantage of these content managers is that they are open to the public, which allows people to design plugins that improve the programming of the website.
Dynamic websites are very popular, and almost every website currently active is designed as such. Perhaps the biggest disadvantage of these websites is that they are much more expensive to run since programming them is much more difficult.
According to its purpose
Blogs are spaces where opinion articles or topics of interest are published. They are spaces where an author can write about a topic that he or she is passionate about or specializes in and share it with people with similar tastes or interests.
These types of websites offer users the opportunity to comment on what they think of the article or any additional information presented, and users can also respond to any comments they make.
Blogs can also be part of a website, as it is an excellent tool for SEO, as it allows you to generate quality content, just like this blog you are reading.
Online stores
Las tiendas virtuales cumplen la labor de una tienda física: ofrecer tus productos y que las personas puedan comprarlos, la diferencia es que todo el rpoceso de compra lo realizan desde sus casas.
Not only can you sell products, they are also an excellent tool to offer your services, for example, if you are a cartoonist, you can offer your services and have people pay you online.
Many CMS have plugins specialized in online stores. In WordPress, this plugin is called WooCommerce.
WooCommerce allows you to configure your orders, have inventory, control over your orders, get coupons and many other features.
There are many virtual stores, one of the largest is Amazon, and if you want a more local example, there is Éxito.
Corporate Website
Corporate websites are sites of large companies, where they show everything related to them: who they are, what they do, their values, their history, where they are located, products and services they offer and other data that the company considers pertinent to share with its target audience.
Corporate websites are also an excellent way for people to get in touch with them, as they have forms where they can leave their concerns and later receive a response.
Our website is a clear example of a corporate website, but there are also corporate websites like Nestlé's.
News or magazines
The main objective of this type of website is to keep users informed about the latest events, whether at a local, national or international level.
They are highly visited websites, as they offer up-to-the-minute information and allow users the opportunity to comment on the news.
Newspapers generally also publish their news on their website, as a complement to the physical edition that circulates every day.
Forums are virtual discussion spaces that allow several users to discuss topics of interest or specific topics. Some forums enable different spaces to discuss different topics, but there are also specialized forums, where only a specific topic and its derivatives are discussed.
There are two roles in forums: on the one hand, there is the user who registers, publishes and comments on the forums; and then there is the administrator who is in charge of moderating everything that is published on the forum.
One of the most popular forums is 4Chan, where a wide variety of topics are discussed to suit all tastes.
Landing Pages
Landing pages are pages designed and intended to welcome a user after clicking on an advertisement, whether on search engines, social networks, videos, etc.
These pages contain the most complete information about what was promoted in the advertisement and offer a form designed for users to leave their details so the company can contact them, subscribe to a newsletter or purchase the product on offer.
Whenever you click on an ad it will take you to a landing page, so there are many examples to see, such as the Netflix landing page when you click on their ads.
These types of pages are designed for uploading and consuming audiovisual material. Here you can find videos of all kinds, reviews, trailers, blogs, video art, funny videos, etc.
These platforms are primarily funded by advertising, like on TV, making them valuable digital marketing tools as your ads will be displayed, and if they have a certain duration of 7 seconds, they cannot be skipped.
Without a doubt, the best-known example of this type of website is the famous YouTube, a place where you can find everything, but there are also other multimedia sites such as Dailymotion and Vimeo.
These pages are dedicated exclusively to providing streaming or live video services. They are very popular in the world of video games, but they are also used to broadcast live social events.
Twitch is the King of Streaming platforms, here, you can find live broadcasts of everything, video games, Mukbang, Talk shows, ASMR among others.
Social networks
These are pages dedicated to bringing people together. It is a place where you can create a profile and share content, whether it be text, image or video. You can also interact with other users, such as friends, or meet people who have similar interests to you.
Social media is also used by companies to create a community, build loyalty among their target audience and make themselves known, so it is also a great tool in your digital marketing strategy.
Within the huge range of social networks, the best known and most used are Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
There are many more types, and the list could go on and on, but we wanted to show you the most common types of websites found in this vast world known as the Internet.
As we mentioned, each type of page serves a specific function, so keep them in mind if you plan to create a website.
At Gulupa Digital we can help you build your website (either design your virtual store), focused on what you offer and what your target audience needs.