Companies must constantly change and adapt to the needs of their customers, in order to reach them and get them to purchase our products or services.
In this digitalized world, being on the Internet is very important, if not mandatory, as Bill Gates once said: “If your business is not on the Internet, it does not exist”. And he is right.
The Internet has become the go-to place for information; if we want to find information about something, we look for it on the Internet, if we want to buy something, we do it on the Internet, if we want to entertain ourselves, we do it on the Internet… you get the idea, right?
If your company is planning to grow, or you are an entrepreneur, having your own website is the answer to achieving even greater growth.
The question at this stage is: Who will be in charge of creating your website? Maybe a friend? An acquaintance? Someone within the company? Or if you are independent, will you do it yourself?
The answer to all these questions is: hire an agency that is an expert in web design. Yes, you should always hire experts in the field, since they are the ones who are trained and prepared to carry out the project.
So, if your growth plan includes creating a website to generate visibility and increase your sales, it is best to have it done by an expert.
Now the question is, how can I choose a web design agency to carry out my project?
Well, the answer is in this blog, stay with us and discover what you should take into account when choosing a web design agency to ensure the success of your project.
Analyze the agency's website
If you are a web design agency, you must have a website, right? Well, you can start your search by visiting the websites of the different agencies.
As with any website, this is where the agency presents its services, its processes, its graphic line and skills, its programming experience and any other information you deem relevant to know whether to hire them or not.
It is also on the agency's website where you can see the work they have done, the clients they have worked with, their level of professionalism and their clients' reviews; all this information can be analyzed and taken into account when choosing the web design agency or not (you can also get an idea of how much it can cost you).
Keep the budget in mind
Creating a website is not free, it requires a good investment, since there is work in design, programming, application of functionalities and hosting; but in the future this investment is profitable, since when your website is launched and it is well designed and programmed, it will generate profits that cover the investment and even more.
This is why You should never make your website for free on these portals that offer it, since their functionalities are very limited, and for SEO work, they are almost impossible to position.
On the other hand, Be hesitant if you are offered very cheap quotes.
A good agency knows that each process requires capital and the accounting and commercial areas know this.
There are many factors that affect the budget: number of internal pages, functionalities, specific design/development requirements, hosting and delivery time.
When you're at the quoting stage, you can ask what the process includes, delivery dates, revisions, the number of changes allowed, and how much changes outside of what's stipulated cost.
All of this will give you an idea of the work they do and whether it is safe for you to hire them.
Designs designed for SEO
An important part of a website is that it is well structured at the code level so that it is suitable for SEO work.
En temas de SEO hay una parte que se trata de SEO on-page es decir, las mejoras internas que necesita el sitio para que Google lo encuentre mejor, más rápido y lo posicione mejor.
A good agency knows this and will create your website with everything necessary to start an SEO strategy for your website, meeting all the requirements requested by search engines, especially Google, which is the most used search engine. When you are in the process of quoting, you can ask if this requirement is included in the budget.
Note: an agency that offers you a great SEO positioning, at the very least it should appear in the first places of “SEO positioning”, right?
Diseño responsive
Websites must be viewed from mobile devices, it is a very important aspect of web design and one that an agency must know how to do.
Esto es importante porque en la actualidad las búsquedas que las personas realizan en internet lo hacen más desde celulares y tabletas que desde computadores de escritorio.
Un diseño responsive, es aquel diseño que adapta a las medidas del dispositivo móvil, y es parte importante para el posicionamiento web.
Google analyzes your website and if it sees that you do not have a website adapted to these devices, then will not index you in search results from mobile devices.
As with the previous point, you can ask if this design is included in the budget, which, today, is almost mandatory to be included in the service.
UX/UI y tecnologías implementadas
We will break this point down into two parts.
On the one hand, there is UX and UI, this is about user experience (UX) and user interface (UI), and what is sought is for the website to be easy to understand and guide the user to conversion (which can be as simple as submitting a form or clicking the call button, for example).
In short: the website should be fast, user-friendly, easy to use and responsive to people's needs.
On the other hand, the website must implement current technologies designed to improve the user experience of those who visit it; but which also offer the owner the opportunity to self-manage the website and not depend on the 100% agency.
Ask the agency if it involves these core concepts in its selection process. web page design.
Check the web design agency's presence on social media
If you need a channel to learn more about the web design agencies you are visiting, try visiting their social networks.
Si entras a las redes de una agencia de diseño web, puedes ver el estilo que manejan, los clientes con los que han trabajo, casos de éxito y su popularidad en redes.
Es bueno esto ya que, si a la agencia también ofrece servicios de social media management, you will get an idea of the work they do and if they can boost your brand on social media.
Experience of the design agency in the sector in which you work
It is not mandatory, but you can ask if the agency has experience working in the sector you work in, if they have the experience, they have knowledge of the audience you are targeting, what texts can work, the images, and forms that can be more attractive.
If they don't have the experience, don't worry, agencies are prepared to research the sector and thus offer a quality product that helps you gain visibility on the Internet and increase your sales.
We know in advance that It is not easy to choose a web design agency (and even more so with the wide range of agencies available on the market).
Don't get overwhelmed, by applying the advice we have given you in this article, it will be much easier for you to choose the agency that will help you grow on the Internet and that will eliminate that thought of doubt about whether you are doing the right thing.